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How can I integrate Zoom into my Blackboard Learn Ultra course?

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NJCU uses Zoom as our standard videoconferencing software. By default, Zoom is integrated into Blackboard, but it needs to be activated. To do this in Blackboard Ultra, from the Course Content page, click the View course & institution tools link under Books & Tools in the right sidebar.

Details & Action sidebar with Books & Tools highlighted

In the right sidebar menu that appears, click the plus sign to the left of Zoom.

Books & Course Tools menu with Zoom highlighted

At the bottom of your Course Content, a new tool link for Zoom appears.

Zoom link in Course Content

To change its title, click the three dots to the right and choose Edit. Click the default title, erase it, and add your own title. Choose whether to keep your Zoom page hidden from students or visible to students from the dropdown menu. If you wish to add a description of the Zoom page, add that in the description text box. If you wish to allow class conversations associated with the Zoom page, check the Allow class conversations box. This topic is covered in more detail in another article. Click Save.

Zoom settings in Blackboard

When students access this page, they will see all scheduled and recorded Zoom sessions for the course. More details on how to use Zoom to schedule meetings through Blackboard Ultra is covered in more detail in another article.

Zoom page in Blackboard student view

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