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What is the size limit for Blackboard courses? What if my course exceeds the size limit?

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Please note that Blackboard courses have a size limit of 750MB.

If you exceed this limit, you will receive an error message that you have exceeded your allotted course size limit and you will not be able to upload additional course content. If you have exceeded your course size limit, it is likely that you have large video, audio, PowerPoint or PDF files in your Content Collection.

Video and audio files should be uploaded to Panopto (NJCU’s video/audio file repository).

Once these files are uploaded to Panopto, you must delete these from your Content Collection in order to reduce your course size. Once these files are uploaded to Panopto and deleted from Blackboard, you can link to these video and audio files (via URL or Panopto integration) in your Blackboard courses. If you have large PDF or PowerPoint files on your courses, these should be uploaded to OneDrive (NJCU’s cloud storage application), deleted from Blackboard and linked to your Blackboard courses (via URL). Please refer to the instructions below for completing these steps:

Uploading Video and Audio Files to Panopto

Blackboard has limited storage space and videos and audio files will consume much of our allotted storage with Blackboard. Videos and audio files should be uploaded to Panopto, NJCU’s video repository system, and then linked to Blackboard courses. Please see Panopto’s documentation for uploading videos.  You should be able to login to Panopto by first logging in to Blackboard, open another browser tab and navigate to Choose from the menu to login with Blackboard.

If you need further assistance with Panopto, please contact the IT Help Desk.

PDF, PowerPoint and other files should be uploaded to OneDrive

Upload Large PDF and PowerPoint Files to OneDrive Cloud Storage

Login to your Office 365 OneDrive account using your NJCU email address. Upload all necessary files to a folder in OneDrive(from Blackboard or your local device). (Note: You can also login to OneDrive directly from your Blackboard account. To connect to OneDrive, log into Blackboard and click on “Tools” (before clicking into a course) in the green menu to the left. At the top of the next page, select the option to connect to OneDrive). You can create a folder by selecting the “New” icon as seen below. Then click on the three dots (as seen in the screen shot below) and copy the link. Then post the link as a URL to your Blackboard course(s). Students will be able to access your OneDrive folder, from the link you posted to your Blackboard course, after logging in with their NJCU email address. If you need additional assistance with OneDrive, please contact the IT Help Desk.

Deleting Large Files from the Blackboard Content Collection

a) Login to Blackboard and select “Tools” from the green menu to the left of your course listing page. See here:

b)  Then select “Content Collection” from the next page. See here:

c) Click on “Course Content” from the menu to the left (this may take a moment to load) and search for your course. You will notice a file size for the entire course in the listing. Once you open your course, you will see a listing of content items in your course with the file sizes; these files can be sorted by size (by selecting the “Size” column header) so that it easier to locate the larger file sizes. You can delete files directly from here after you download copies to your device, OneDrive or Panopto. You will also find video files in the folder (from the screenshot of your content collection above).

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