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How can I create a new document? (Ultra)

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A document in Blackboard Ultra is just another name for a content page in your course. 

To add a new document, from the Course Content page, navigate to where you want to add it. Hover over the location you wish to place the content item. Click the purple plus sign that appears. A menu will appear. Click Create

Add menu with Create button highlighted

A side menu will appear. Choose Document

Create Item menu with document highlighted

Your first step is to name your document. Click the default title, erase it, and add your own title. If you want to make your document visible to students, click the dropdown menu at the top right, and choose Visible to Students

Document settings title and visibility menu

The middle of the screen provides multiple ways to build your document. 

Adding content in document menu

  1. When you click Add Content, a text box with standard formatting will appear. Here, you can add text, upload images, add formatting, and various other things you normally see on static pages in a course. Once you are happy with the content, click Save.
  2. When you click Upload from Computer, you can upload a file from your local computer that will display as an inline file for students to download. Students only have the option to download the file by clicking the three dots, not view it within the page content.
  3. When you click Upload from Cloud Storage, Blackboard allows you to upload a file from a few standard cloud storage areas, like OneDrive for Business, which is used at NJCU. Once you select a file, click Select. It will appear as an inline file for students to download. Again, students only have the option to download the file, not view it within the page content. 

Once you add any one of these content types, it will appear in the body of the page. To add more, click the purple plus sign that appears above or below the existing content blocks. A menu will appear, allowing you to add another of the three content types just covered. 

Add content menu on document

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