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Search the NJCU Knowledge Base for answers to many frequently asked questions.
Information Technology
- Am I required to use the DUO 2-Factor Authentication (2FA)?
- Can somebody meet me in my HyFlex classroom before the start of my class?
- Can you please provide instructions to use Splashtop?
- Could you please send me a Splashtop invitation?
- Do you offer help with Microsoft Office?
- Does GothicNet offer Accessible Mode Layout?
- Does NJCU have a Mobile App?
- How can I get on the university wireless network (NJCU WiFi)?
- How can I report a problem with technology in my HyFlex classroom?
- How can I request an Epson Brightlink pen for my class?
- How can I request Splashtop access for my students?
- How do i clear browser cache?
- How do I connect my TV, Gaming system, streaming device to the NJCU Wireless Network?
- How do I enable "Pop-ups" on my browser?
- How do i signup for a Qualtrics Premium Account?
- How to request training to use HyFlex technology?
- Is my classroom equipped with HyFlex Technology?
- It Helpdesk
- My computer doesn't work. Help!
- My software doesn't work. Help!
- Remote Network Access(VPN)
- Technology Training Information
- Where can I find support information for NJCU's Email System?
- Where can I go on campus to get help with logging into GothicNet?
- Show all articles ( 9 ) Collapse Articles
- Download and install or reinstall Microsoft 365 or Office 2021 on a PC or Mac
- How can I get an NJCU Email account?
- How can I start an Email list?
- How do I access Email from home?
- How do I configure NJCU Email to Mobile Device?
- How do I forward email from my Office 365 NJCU email account to an alternate account?
NJCU General Information
Applying to NJCU
- Alternate Route Program(NPTNJ)
- Are you registered as a Professional Development Provider with the New Jersey Department of Education?
- Can I register and then get billed for my courses at a later date?
- Can I register for courses over the phone?
- Do I need to apply to your program before I can register for classes?
- Do you offer online non-credit courses?
- How do I register for courses in your program?
- What happens if I register for a course and it winds up being cancelled?
- What if I register for a course but then need to withdraw?
- Where do I get more information about New Pathways to Teaching in New Jersey (NPTNJ)?
- Articles coming soon
- Are classes offered in the evening or during the day?
- Are test scores required (GRE, MAT, etc.) for admission? Which ones are required for my program? What are the minimum scores?
- Are there requirements for immunizations or medical examinations for admission?
- Can I fax the application and/or my transcript(s)?
- Can I get a Catalog?
- Can my program be completed online or off-campus?
- Do I have to apply again if I already received a graduate degree from NJCU?
- Do you accept applications after the deadline?
- Does my program require a thesis?
- How do I change my current Academic Plan? (I do not want to complete it.)
- How do I get a copy of my grades?
- How do I get a copy of my transcript?
- How do I get a parking pass?
- How do I get my address changed in the NJCU data base?
- How do I get my Gothic ID card?
- How do I get my name changed in the NJCU data base?
- How do I register as a Visiting Student?
- How do I submit transcripts from other countries?
- How do I transfer credits for a graduate program?
- How many credits are required for my program?
- How much time will I have to complete my program?
- How will I know if I was approved for matriculation?
- I already sent previous transcripts to the NJCU Undergraduate Admissions Office. Do I have to send them again with my application to Graduate Admissions Office?
- I am a senior citizen and am seeking to get a waiver of my tuition. How can I take classes?
- I am enrolled at another school, and I want to take a class as a Visiting Student. What do I have to do?
- I either received a degree from NJCU, or only took undergraduate or graduate classes at NJCU at some time. Do I have to request an NJCU transcript?
- I took the test a long time ago. Do I have to take it again?
- Is housing available on campus for graduate students?
- Is there a minimum GPA for admission?
- What are the requirements?
- What is the application deadline?
- What is the cost for tuition and fees?
- What programs are offered?
- Where are you located?
- Where do I have my transcripts sent?
- Who do I contact for advisement (prospective and current graduate students)?
- Will online or off-campus classes count towards my program?
- Show all articles ( 22 ) Collapse Articles
- Can I apply online?
- Do all freshmen applying to New Jersey City University have to take the SAT's?
- Does New Jersey City University accept international students?
- Does New Jersey City University offer students campus housing?
- From which agencies does NJCU accept foreign transcript evaluations?
- How and where can I take the SAT?
- How can I get an application?
- How can I pay my application fee?
- How do I get to New Jersey City University?
- How do I register as a Visiting Student?
- How many credits will NJCU accept when I transfer?
- How much is tuition?
- Undergraduate Registration Checklist
- What are New Jersey City University's most popular majors?
- What are NJCU's Open House dates?
- What are the athletic teams at NJCU?
- What are the requirements?
- What are the undergraduate admissions application deadlines?
- What documents do I need to apply to NJCU?
- What is the average class size at NJCU?
- What is the essay question that one must write about to get accepted to this college?
- What types of scholarships does NJCU offer entering students?
- When are NJCU's campus tours?
- Where is New Jersey City University located?
- Show all articles ( 9 ) Collapse Articles
Grades & Transcripts
- How Do I file for graduation clearance?
- How do I get my cap and gown? Is there any charge?
- How many tickets will I receive for graduation?
- How will I know I am cleared for graduation?
- When is graduation, and is attendance required?
- When is the deadline to file for graduation?
- When will I receive my diploma?
- When will my degree be posted to my transcript?
- Do I have to send a copy of transcripts from ALL schools I attended?
- Does the previous grade appear on transcripts?
- How do I request a transcript for graduate school or a job application?
- How do I request a transcript?
- Is there a fee to request a transcript?
- What is the turn around time for a transcript request?
- When requesting transcripts are both Graduate and Undergraduate included in the same request?
- Where do I have my transcripts sent?
Enrolling in Classes
- Can I register and then get billed for my courses at a later date?
- Can I register for courses over the phone?
- Do I need to apply to your program before I can register for classes?
- Do you offer online non-credit courses?
- How do I register for courses in your program?
- What happens if I register for a course and it winds up being cancelled?
- What if I register for a course but then need to withdraw?
- Can I get a Catalog?
- Can I take a course as an “Independent Study,” and how do I arrange for it?
- Can you send me a copy of the Course Offerings?
- How are enrollment request processed?
- How can I obtain a copy of my schedule?
- How can I obtain a Department/Instructor Consent, or Permission Number?
- How do I get a GothicNet ID/Password?
- How do I register as a Visiting Student?
- How do I register for an undergraduate class?
- How do I register for classe(s)?
- How many credits can I register for?
- How many credits can I take Pass/Fail, and how do I arrange for this?
- How many credits would a student need to be considered full-time status?
- If I am dropped for non-payment, what is the reinstatement process?
- What graduate programs are offered at New Jersey City University?
- What is the withdrawal process?
- What should I do if I encounter difficulties with my ID/Password while attempting to log in GothicNet?
- When does registration begin?
- When is the payment deadline and how do I make payments?
- Who can assist me with the online enrollment process?
- Show all articles ( 5 ) Collapse Articles
- Can I take summer courses?
- How can I get an Enrollment Verification Letter?
- How do I ADD/DROP classes?
- How do I register as a Visiting Student?
- How do I register for classes?
- How do I withdraw from a course?
- How do I withdraw from all my courses?
- How many credits can I take?
- If I leave NJCU, can I return?
- What happens if I drop below 12 credits?
- What should I do if my registration is blocked?
New Freshmen & Transfers
- Can I receive blanket credit for an A.A.S. degree?
- Do foreign credentials transfer to NJCU?
- How many credits can I transfer to NJCU?
- What courses can be transferred to New Jersey City University?
- What is “blanket credit” and who is eligible to receive it?
- When will the coursework I took at my previous college be evaluated?
My Finances
- Applying for Summer Financial Aid
- Does NJCU offer merit base scholarships?
- Does the interest rate on the Stafford loan change?
- Financial Aid Checklist information
- Financial Aid Important Information
- How do I apply for Financial Aid at New Jersey City University?
- How do I apply for New Jersey State Aid?
- How do I enter my Federal Work Study (FWS) hours?
- How do I qualify for financial aid?
- How do I qualify for New Jersey State Aid?
- How often do I need to apply for Financial Aid?
- What factors are considered to determine eligibility for financial aid?
- What form do I need for my taxes and where do I get the form from?
- What if I need help in completing my FAFSA?
- What is New Jersey City University’s Federal Code Number?
- What loans are available?
- What types of aid are available?
- When must I begin to repay my Stafford loan?
- When should I apply for Financial Aid?
- Where can I view my Financial Aid Award?
- Show all articles ( 5 ) Collapse Articles
- Am I eligible for any type of Financial Aid?
- Are Graduate Assistantships available? How do I apply? What funding would I receive?
- I am a veteran. Am I entitled to any benefits?
- I am completing an NJCU program now and I receive a Federal Student Loan. Will it automatically continue if I begin a new program?
- What are EOF Graduate Benefits?
- What form do I need for my taxes and where do I get the form from?
- Are there payment options other than paying the bill in full by the due date?
- Do you have the contact numbers for other offices I may need to contact?
- How can I contact the Bursar's Office and where do I make payments in person?
- How can I pay my bill?
- How do I view my bill?
- How to Access Your 1098-T Tax Form
- How To and important forms for Office of Student Accounts
- Other than tuition, are there mandatory fees I must pay?
- What are the office hours for Bursar's Office?
- What if my financial aid is not reflected on my bill?
- When is my bill due?
- Where can I get information regarding my IRS form 1098-T Tax Statement?
- Where do I get my ID card?
- Where is the Bursar's Office located?
Academics & Advisement
- Articles coming soon
- Can a student declare a major, double major, co-major, or minor online?
- Can I receive blanket credit for an A.A.S. degree?
- Can I take a class on a pass/fail basis?
- Can I take a course at another college while attending NJCU?
- Do I need a certain Grade Point Average (GPA) to declare a major?
- Do I need a certain Grade Point Average (GPA) to declare a major?
- Does NJCU accept credits earned at colleges and universities outside the U.S.?
- How can I get a letter verifying that I am an NJCU student?
- How do I ensure that I am clear for graduation?
- How do I ensure that I am clear for graduation?
- How do I obtain an ID card?
- How do I register for classes?
- How do I register for classes?
- How do I request a transcript?
- How do I sign up for an NJCU e-mail account?
- How many credits are required to complete an undergraduate degree?
- How many credits can I transfer to NJCU?
- How many credits can I transfer to NJCU?
- How may I pursue independent study courses?
- If I leave NJCU, can I return?
- If I leave NJCU, can I return?
- May I take fewer than 12 credits per semester?
- May I take fewer than 12 credits per semester?
- What is blanket credit and who is eligible to receive it?
- What is blanket credit and who is eligible to receive it?
- What is CLEP?
- What is CLEP?
- What should I do if I have a registration hold?
- What should I do if I have a registration hold?
- Which credits can be transferred to NJCU?
- Which credits can be transferred to NJCU?
- Who advises students who are enrolled at NJCU for a second bachelor’s degree?
- Who advises students who are enrolled at NJCU for a second bachelor’s degree?
- Who is my academic advisor?
- Who must take the placement test?
- Why am I required to take remedial (Academic Foundation) courses? Do they count towards my degree?
- Show all articles ( 22 ) Collapse Articles
Academic Resources
Student Services
- Are there Fraternities or Sororities on campus?
- Can I get involved with clubs/student organizations from Campus Life?
- How can I contact the Office of Campus Life?
- How do I book a room on campus?
- How Do I find out about Greek Life Events?
- How do I find out about the events on campus?
- How do I get involved on campus?
- How do I join a club or organization?
- How do I start a club or organization
- What clubs or organizations are on campus?
- What is the Center for Leadership & Engagement?
- What is the Office of Campus Life?
- What leadership opportunities are there on campus?
- What services does the Office of Campus Life provide?
- What time does the GSUB close?
- What volunteer opportunities are available for students?
- Where can I find more information about the Office of Campus Life, activities, etc.?
- Where is the Center for Leadership & Engagement located?
- Show all articles ( 3 ) Collapse Articles
- Are counseling services available?
- Are you seeing students virtually?
- Can my boyfriend/girlfriend/parent come with me to the sessions?
- Can my parents call and ask questions about me?
- Couples counseling is available if both partners are currently enrolled for the semester. We don't provide services to family members of students.
- Do I have to attend all of the workshops/groups?
- Do I need to have specific problems to visit the center?
- Do you have any virtual programs, resources, or services related to wellness and mental health?
- Does anyone on your staff conduct psychological testing to diagnose learning disabilities?
- Does anyone on your staff prescribe medication?
- How can I make an appointment?
- How long are workshops and groups?
- How long can I come for individual counseling?
- How long can I come to support groups and workshops?
- How many groups and workshops do you offer?
- How many people are usually in groups or workshops?
- I am a student leader (or NJCU faculty/staff member). How do I request a health educator led well-being program or training for my group?
- Is the center a safe place to discuss BIPOC students mental health?
- Is the center LGBTQIA+ friendly?
- Is there a wait list?
- What are the benefits of support groups?
- What are the Counseling Center’s hours?
- What can I expect in support groups and workshops? Are they confidential?
- What do I do if the Counseling Center is closed?
- Where are workshops and groups held?
- Where is the Counseling Center located?
- Who can visit the Counseling Center?
- Show all articles ( 12 ) Collapse Articles
- How can I become a student leader?
- How do I file a complaint?
- How do I withdraw for medical or mental health issues?
- How do I withdraw from classes?
- How long can I be absent from my classes?
- I had to miss class because of a religious observance. Is this an excusable absence?
- I have a family emergency and had to go home and miss class. Who should I contact for an excuse?
- I have been referred to the Dean of Students Office for conduct. What should I do next?
- I want to get a state job (i.e., police officer), but the employer requests academic and disciplinary information from the Dean of Students. What should I do?
- If a complaint is filed against me, what should I do?
- If I am academically suspended from the University, may I appeal the decision?
- If I am accused of violating the code of conduct, will anything appear on my transcripts due to this incident?
- If I am accused of violating the Code of Conduct, will my parents be notified?
- If I am on academic probation, what grades do I need to be in good academic standing with the university?
- If I want to withdraw from classes due to a medical issue, what should I do?
- If I’ve notified the Office of the Dean of Students, should I still notify my professors?
- If my appeal is denied and I am not reinstated, what does that mean?
- My problem seems very complex and confusing and involves so many different offices on campus. I have no idea where to start the process. What should I do?
- What is a sanction and what is the purpose of sanctioning students who have violated the Code of Conduct?
- What is the academic appeals process?
- Where should I go if I have a complaint and think something should be done about it?
- Who Can Participate in Pre-College?
- Show all articles ( 7 ) Collapse Articles
- How can I apply to be a Supplemental Instruction Leader?
- How do I request accommodations?
- How do you register with the Office of Specialized Services?
- How is Supplemental Instruction different from Tutoring?
- What accommodations are available for disabled students?
- What is Supplemental Instruction?
- What types of documentation do you accept?
- Articles coming soon
Blackboard for Students
- How can I delete a submitted assignment if I submitted the wrong file?
- How can I access or submit work through the publisher's course links?
- Why can't my instructor view my submitted assignment file?
- What happens if I submit the wrong file for my assignment?
- Why can't I attach my assignment file document?
- How do I submit a Panopto video assignment in Blackboard?
- Articles coming soon
- Articles coming soon
Blackboard for Instructors
- How can I create an assignment? (Ultra)
- What are the assignment settings? (Ultra)
- How can I clear an assignment attempt and give student an additional attempt? (Original)
- How can I create a rubric? (Original)
- How can I associate a rubric with an assignment? (Original)
- How can I create an assignment? (Original)
- How can I add a Perusall learning activity?
- How can I import an existing rubric to another course? (Original)
- How can I edit an assignment? (Ultra)
- How can I delete an assignment? (Ultra)
- How can I use SafeAssign (plagiarism detection) for assignments? (Original)
- How can I use SafeAssign (plagiarism detection) for assignments? (Ultra)
- What is the size limit for Blackboard courses? What if my course exceeds the size limit?
- How can I change my profile picture? (Ultra)
- How can I delete an assignment? (Ultra)
- How can I create a test? (Ultra)
- How can I edit a test? (Ultra)
- How can I edit course content? (Ultra)
- How can I delete a test? (Ultra)
- How can I delete course content? (Ultra)
- How can I delete an announcement? (Ultra)
- How can I edit an announcement? (Ultra)
- How can I mark attendance? (Ultra)
- How can I mark attendance? (Original)
- How to Find An Old Course in Blackboard
- How can I create a learning module? (Ultra)
- How can I create a link or edit a link's settings? (Ultra)
- How can I post an announcement? (Ultra)
- How can I create a folder? (Ultra)
- How can I copy content? (Ultra)
- How can I edit a document? (Ultra)
- How can I create a new document? (Ultra)
- How can I combine multiple course sections into a master course? (Ultra and Original)
- How can I copy content? (Original)
- What is the difference between an item and file? (Original)
- How can I change the entry point of a course? (Original)
- How can I reduce course size in content collection? (Original)
- How can I reduce course size in content collection? (Ultra)
- How can I change the order/position of content? (Ultra)
- How can I delete an assignment? (Ultra)
- How can I edit a test? (Ultra)
- How can I edit course content? (Ultra)
- How can I delete a test? (Ultra)
- How can I delete course content? (Ultra)
- Are tests and quizzes and exams the same in Blackboard?
- How can I delete an announcement? (Ultra)
- How can I edit an announcement? (Ultra)
- Show all articles ( 7 ) Collapse Articles
- How can I create and organize Discussions using the Discussion Tab? (Ultra)
- How can I create a discussion? (Ultra)
- What are the discussion settings? (Ultra)
- What if students are unable to create a thread in a discussion forum? (Original)
- How can I edit a discussion? (Ultra)
- How can I delete a discussion? (Ultra)
- Articles coming soon
- Articles coming soon
- How can I create a test? (Ultra)
- How can I edit/change Test Settings? (Ultra)
- How can I create a test? (Original)
- How can I export a Test? (Original)
- How can I import an exported Test? (Original)
- How can I edit or personalize Test Settings for one student? (Original)
- What if a publisher does not provide a Blackboard Compatible Test? (Ultra and Original)
- How can I edit a test? (Ultra)
- How can I delete a test? (Ultra)
- Are tests and quizzes and exams the same in Blackboard?
- Articles coming soon
- How can I delete an assignment? (Ultra)
- How can I create a test? (Ultra)
- How can I edit a test? (Ultra)
- How can I edit course content? (Ultra)
- How can I delete a test? (Ultra)
- How can I delete course content? (Ultra)
- Are tests and quizzes and exams the same in Blackboard?
- How can I delete an announcement? (Ultra)
- How can I edit an announcement? (Ultra)
- How can I edit a discussion? (Ultra)
- How can I delete a discussion? (Ultra)
- How can I use SafeAssign (plagiarism detection) for assignments? (Original)
- How can I use SafeAssign (plagiarism detection) for assignments? (Ultra)
- How can I mark attendance? (Ultra)
- How can I mark attendance? (Original)
- How to Find An Old Course in Blackboard
- How Do I Add Additional Users to My Blackboard Course?
- Show all articles ( 2 ) Collapse Articles
Blackboard - General FAQs
- What is Blackboard Learn 9.1?
- How do I Access Blackboard Learn 9.1?
- How can I retrieve my GothicNet ID if I do not know it?
- How Do I Change My Password For Blackboard Learn 9.1??
- What Are The Recommended System Requirements for My Computer to Properly Use Blackboard Learn 9.1?
- Why am I Unable to View PDF Files on My MAC Computer?
- I am Having Trouble With Internet Explorer 11. How Can I Downgrade To Internet Explorer 10?
- I Am Having Trouble With The Chat Tool And I Have The Latest Version Of JAVA Installed. What Now?
- I Need To Take A Test In My Blackboard Course. Do You Have Any Test-Taking Tips For My Online Test?
- I Am Using Google Docs To Create a Document, But My Professor Want Me To Submit a Microsoft Word Document. How Do I Save a Google Doc As a Word Document?
- Why Can't I Paste Text I've Copied From My Word Processing Program Into Blackboard?
- I Still Need Help After Reading The FAQS. Who Can I Call For Help?
- I Would Like to Learn More about Blackboard Learn 9.1 On My Own. Where Can I Start?
- How Do I Request Reasonable Accommodations as a Student with a Disability?
- Can I Use Blackboard Learn 9.1 On My Mobile Device?
- What Can I do With Blackboard Mobile Learn?
- What Devices are Supported by Blackboard Mobile Learn?
- How Do I Download the Blackboard Learn Mobile App?
- How Do I Launch Blackboard Mobile Learn Once it is Installed on my Mobile Device?
- I am Having Trouble Logging in to Blackboard Mobile Learn and I Am Certain I am Using The Correct Login Credentials. What Should I Do?
- I Can't Find The Mobile Device For My App. Now What?
- When I log in to My Class in Blackboard With My Mobile Device, The Course Menu Is Missing on the Left Side of the Page. What Do I Do?
- How Can I Receive Additional Help With My Blackboard Mobile Learn App?
- How can I edit my profile/personal information? (Ultra)
- How can I change my profile picture? (Ultra)
- How can I edit personal information and privacy options? (Original)
- When I submit Microsoft Word-based assignments in Blackboard, I lose formatting details in the document, such as page numbering and spacing.
- Show all articles ( 12 ) Collapse Articles
- Can I receive credit for past military experience?
- Can I use the National Guard Tuition Waiver during the summer sessions? How about for Winter Intersession?
- Do I need to reapply for benefits every semester?
- Do I need to verify my enrollment with the VA?
- Do National Guard Members need to file for Financial Aid every year?
- Does NJCU award credit for ROTC training?
- Does NJCU have an ROTC program?
- Does this institution participate in advanced payment?
- How do I find out if I am eligible for Montgomery GI Bill Benefits?
- How do I receive my Army College Fund and/or National Guard/Reserve "Kicker"?
- How long does it take to receive GI Bill benefits?
- How many credits can I take using the National Guard Tuition Waiver?
- How much of the GI Bill benefit am I entitled to?
- I am a dependant/spouse of a Veteran and am entitled to benefits. What do I need to provide?
- I am a National Guard Member. Do I need to file for Financial Aid?
- I am an active duty soldier eligible for Federal Tuition Assistance. How do I proceed?
- I am eligible for GI Bill benefits. Where do I go in order to activate them at New Jersey City University?
- I am entitled to Ch. 31 Veteran Readiness & Employment Benefits. What do I need to do to in order to receive them?
- I am entitled to collect benefits under the Veterans Tuition Credit Program/Vietnam Veterans Tuition Aid Program. What do I need to do in order to receive them?
- I am repeating a course that I did not achieve a satisfactory grade in. Can I receive payment for this course?
- I have concerns about non-educational Veterans benefits. Who can I contact?
- I would like to take a CLEP exam and use my GI Bill. Is this possible?
- Is NJCU participating in the Yellow Ribbon Program?
- It’s been several weeks and I haven’t received any payment yet. What should I do?
- What do I need to do to activate my GI Bill benefits?
- What programs are currently available for Veterans at New Jersey City University?
- What should I do if I withdraw from a course during the semester?
- Show all articles ( 12 ) Collapse Articles
- Articles coming soon
Online Learning
- Articles coming soon
- Articles coming soon
Zoom (Video Conferencing)
Can I get a Catalog?
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The Graduate Catalog is available online. Please download a copy of the current catalog at
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