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How can I enable and create statistics tracking reports for individual content items? (Original)

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First, you must ensure that Statistics Tracking is turned on for each individual content item. Click the down arrow beside each item and select “Statistics Tracking (on/off)” to enable tracking. To run the report (which will only show tracking data from the time your enabled tracking):
1. Find the content item in your course for which tracking information is required.
2. Click on the down arrow beside it.
3. From the menu that appears choose View Statistics Report.
4. You should see report available named Content Usage Statistics.  Click on the Modify button beside it.
5. Click on Run.
6. Select the format of the report you prefer, the default is PDF.
7. Select the date range for the report. If your course has a large number of students you may need to run the report in smaller chunks and collate the totals afterwards. Large cohorts can mean that statistics reports time out before they have finished generating. 8. Select the Users about whom you wish to report.  Select multiple users by holding down the CTRL key.
9. Click on Submit to run the Report.
10. Click on Download Report.
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