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How can I associate a rubric with an assignment? (Original)

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Create a new assignment or edit an existing assignment
Point to Add Rubric to access the drop-down list in the Grading section

Select an option:

Select Rubric to add a rubric you created with the Rubrics tool. A pop-up window opens, allowing you to select and submit the rubric you choose

Create New Rubric to create a new rubric to associate with the assignment. A pop-up window opens, allowing you to create the rubric that will be associated when you click Submit

Create From Existing to create a new rubric based on a rubric you have already created. A pop-up window opens, allowing you to select the rubric you want to base your new rubric on, and then another window in which you can create the new rubric that will be associated when you click Submit
Finish creating or editing the assignment and click Submit.


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