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How can I create and organize Discussions using the Discussion Tab? (Ultra)

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The Discussion tab in Blackboard Ultra is where you can find all your course discussions in one place.

To access this tab, click the Discussion icon in the top right corner of your Blackboard Ultra course. You will see all the discussions in your course here.

Discussion tab icon

When you click the plus sign on the right, you have two options.

Add discussion menu

Add Discussion will create a new discussion in your course. This process is the same as adding a discussion from the Course Content tab, covered in Creating a Discussion.

Add Folder will allow you to create a folder to store and organize your discussions on the discussion tab. Give the folder a title by clicking the default title, erasing it, and typing a new one.

Discussion settings menu

  • If you want students to see the folder structure, choose Visible to students from the dropdown menu.
  • Add a description of the folder if you wish.
  • Click Save when completed. You can then click and drag existing discussions into that folder.

If you want to edit or delete any of these items, click the three dots to the right of the chosen item and choose accordingly.

Edit discussion settings menu

If you want to allow students to create their own, ungraded discussions on this tab, click the gear icon on the right.

Discussion general settings gear icon

On the menu that appears, check the Permissions box and click Save.

Discussion settings - permissions settings

The Discussions tab in Blackboard Ultra contains every discussion in your course, even if those discussions are also listed on the Course Content tab. The order and organization of the Discussions tab has no bearing on the Course Content tab, though.

If you allow students to create discussions, any they create will only appear on the Discussions tab and not the Course Content tab.

It is strongly recommended that you determine and inform your students upfront about which place they should access their discussions, the Course Content or Discussions tab.

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